21 Ways To Recycle Common Items in Your Bathroom
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Joyner is a homeware and personal products company like no other. Rather than exploiting the world’s resources for our own gain, we work alongside mother nature to ensure that every product we offer is made and consumed in a sustainable way.

We offer a range of products for your kitchen, cleaning, body, and lifestyle, all of which are designed to be produced with renewable materials, and in an eco-friendly way.
While other stores charge a premium for their environmentally friendly products, our aim is to make these products as affordable as possible, so that sustainability is no longer a privilege, but accessible to all.
Where other stores might include plastics in their products, we tend towards other suitable materials, like woods and bamboo. Our packaging is also designed to be low impact, being made of recyclable materials that are biodegradable.
Another focus of ours in on quality. Ten years ago, the common conception of sustainable goods was that they were necessarily lower quality than their more polluting counterparts. This is no longer the case.
As well as being renewable, the materials used to create our products are high-quality and high-performance. You’ll be amazed at how long-lasting and resilient our products are.

If you want to know more about any of our products or aspects of our company, please feel free to contact us and ask. We aim to be as transparent as possible about our manufacturing processes, as well as our products. Our aim is to make tomorrow possible.